It’s Time To Start Living Again

Is ME/CFS or Long COVID robbing you of the life you deserve?

Your life matters. You matter. You deserve powerful solutions, administered with precision, backed by robust scientific evidence and clinical proof.

Oxaloacetate CFS is a medical food clinically proven to lower fatigue in patients with Long COVID and Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.

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Tired Of Being Tired?

New research findings are helping CFS patients take their lives back. Will you be next?

Did you know that Oxaloacetate (OAA) levels are significantly lower in ME/CFS patients?

Enter your email below for a free scientific report with actionable data on:

  • Low blood serum Oxaloacetate (OAA) levels in CFS patients
  • Dietary Oxaloacetate and Medical Foods for CFS
  • The latest peer-reviewed clinical trial data on Oxaloacetate for ME/CFS and Long COVID
  • Analysis of the latest research by leading CFS doctors and researchers

Groundbreaking Clinical Trial Data

RESTORE ME: a RCT of oxaloacetate for improving fatigue in patients with ME/CFS

In Bateman Horne Center’s 2024 randomized, controlled clinical trial published by Frontiers in Neurology, 3 months of daily Oxaloacetate CFS yielded:

  • A significant reduction of fatigue by an average of 25 to 35%
  • Improvements in both mental and physical fatigue
  • 40.5% of the oxaloacetate group were classified as "enhanced responders," with an average fatigue reduction of 63%

International Association for Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Presents

The Groundbreaking Research on Oxaloacetate for ME/CFS and Long COVID

David Lyons Kaufman, MD is a world-renowned expert in ME/CFS and fierce patient advocate. He is the founder of the Center for Complex Diseases and a member of Stanford University’s ME/CFS Research Center.

Clinically Proven To Lower Fatigue

Oxaloacetate CFS is clinically proven to lower fatigue in the latest study peer-reviewed and published by Springer Nature’s Journal of Translational Medicine.

In the first 6 weeks of daily Oxaloacetate CFS…

  • Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients showed a reduction in fatigue by up to 33.3%
  • Long COVID patients showed a reduction in fatigue by up to 46.8%

CFS Patients Have Low Oxaloacetate Levels

Metabolomic studies in ME/CFS patients vs. normal controls indicate that oxaloacetate levels are significantly reduced in the plasma of ME/CFS patients.

The Journal of Molecular Biosystems published a 2017 clinical trial showing a statistically significant shortage of oxaloacetate in ME/CFS patients compared to a normal control group

Ordinary foodstuffs do not contain enough oxaloacetate to overcome this shortage, so the dietary management of ME/CFS patients cannot be achieved by the modification of the normal diet alone.

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  • Medical Foods

    Are always to be used only under the supervision of a licensed healthcare provider. Provide support for the nutritional management of a specific disease or condition that has distinct and established nutritional requirements. Support those who have trouble digesting and absorbing food and certain nutrients and cannot nutritionally manage their condition through diet modification alone.

  • Dietary Supplements

    Provide supplementary nutritional support for healthy people. Are intended to affect the normal structure or function of the human body. While benaGene is a dietary supplement, Oxaloacetate CFS is not.

    Oxaloacetate CFS is a medical food, a classification distinct from dietary supplements.

  • Patented Biotechnology Manufactured in the USA

  • Tested in Peer-Reviewed Clinical Trials

  • Approved by Doctors & Health Professionals