New Medical Food Provides Significant Improvements in Fatigue for ME/CFS Patients in RCT

New Medical Food Provides Significant Improvements in Fatigue for ME/CFS Patients in RCT

SAN DIEGO, CA  — Terra Biological is pleased to share the results of a landmark clinical trial on Oxaloacetate CFS for Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (ME/CFS), conducted by the Bateman Horne Center and recently peer-reviewed and published by Frontiers in Neurology.

The 2024 randomized, controlled clinical trial demonstrated that three months of daily Oxaloacetate CFS supplementation resulted in:

  • A significant reduction in fatigue by an average of 25 to 35%

  • Improvements in both mental and physical fatigue

  • 40.5% of the oxaloacetate group classified as "enhanced responders," with an average fatigue reduction of 63%

The Frontiers in Neurology-published study, an 82-person randomized clinical trial (RCT), was conducted at the Bateman Horne Center in Salt Lake City, Utah, a non-profit Center of Excellence dedicated to improving lives affected by ME/CFS and related conditions. The double-blinded trial evaluated the effects of “Oxaloacetate CFS” (500 mg anhydrous enol-oxaloacetate capsules) with participants taking two capsules at breakfast and two capsules at lunch each day for three months.

As one of the most cited open-access clinical neurology journals, Frontiers in Neurology boasts an Impact Factor of 3.552, underscoring the significance of these findings. The study confirms that Oxaloacetate CFS effectively reduces fatigue in ME/CFS patients, with benefits sustained throughout the study duration.

Moreover, a subgroup of 40.5% of participants demonstrated even greater benefits, with an average fatigue reduction of 63%, suggesting that oxaloacetate may be a critical intervention for this specific patient population. Ongoing metabolomic analyses aim to uncover the underlying biological mechanisms driving this response.

“These clinical findings mark a significant step forward in ME/CFS research,” said Alan Cash, Chief Science Officer at Terra Biological. “We are encouraged by the potential of Oxaloacetate CFS to provide meaningful relief for those struggling with chronic fatigue.”

For more information on this study and Oxaloacetate CFS, please visit  
Clinical Study.


About Terra Biological

Terra Biological is a leader in metabolic and neurological research, pioneering innovative solutions for chronic conditions through cutting-edge scientific advancements. Our mission is to develop evidence-based, clinically supported products to improve patient health and well-being.


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